SOLARNET school “A holistic view of the solar atmosphere – combining space and ground-based observations”
January 25-29, 2021 at UCL – Mullard Space Science Laboratory (Dorking, UK)
The school “A holistic view of the solar atmosphere – combining space and ground-based observations” has for a goal to provide an introduction to the approaches and analysis methods needed to successfully combine space and ground-based observations of the solar the atmosphere from the photosphere to the corona, in order to a complete view of the underlying physical processes at work in a range of different solar phenomena.
The school will take place online. Students are expected to attend the school for the whole week, and to prepare for hands-on sessions by installing the software packages and data repositories that will be provided by the SOC in due time.
School Poster

How to apply?
For a limited number of participants we will pay for the accommodation. There will be no money for paying the travel expenses. The total
number of participants is limited to 40. Please register and specify why you think you should be ranked among the first 40 candidates,
Registration starts on March 1 and closes on May 31st, 2021. You will be informed about the result.