The United Kingdom
The Solar Physics Group (SPG) at Northumbria University is a relatively young group in the UK, but is one of the largest solar groups, with 9 members of staff, as well as PDRAs, Post-Docs and PhD students. The SPG has a long-term research programme to understand the physics of the Sun, the Sun-Earth connection and solar-like stars. We have a wide range of expertise, with research focusing on a number of areas; (i) mathematical modelling of reconnection; (ii) flare modelling and prediction; (iii) MHD waves in the solar atmosphere; (iv) simulations of partial-ionised plasmas; (v) magnetic field extrapolations; (iv) analysis of multi-wavelength, multi-instrument solar observations. We have experience working with many ground- (e.g. CRiSP – SST, CoMP Manua Loa, ROSA DST) and spaced-based (e.g. SOHO, Hinode, SDO, Hi-C) instruments. The Group has a key role in DKIST, contributing to a UK consortium, Critical Science Planning, and the Science Working Group.
Under the mobility programme we offer the possibility to work on a range of problems in solar physics, with particular on-going projects related to the study of wave energy transfer via Alfvenic waves with the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter, forward-modelling of photospheric and coronal plasma diagnostics for predictions with DKIST, and flare prediction using SDO/HMI. We also invite potential visitors to suggest their own research programme, as long as it aligns with the groups on-going research and aims. Visitors will be welcome to attend research seminars and other group meetings, and, depending on the project, will have access to high-performance computing.
There is also the opportunity for a researcher to work with NUSTEM (, a research-led centre dedicated to Public Outreach in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM). NUSTEM currently delivers a number of large-scale public engagement initiatives. The project will likely consist of being involved in the design and delivery of activities for lower/primary and higher/secondary school children (including the Sun-inspired ‘Exploring Extreme Environments’), experiencing best practice in the sector from experts in pedagogy and science communication.
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Dr. Richard Morton
Ellison Building
Northumbria University