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Univ.-Prof. Head of Astrophys. Department
Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Univ.-Platz 5 8010 Graz

Birth Place, Country:

Academic Details:
PhD 1982

Career overview:
PhD 1982 sub auspiciis; several research stays at the KIS, Germany, IAC, Spain, since 2007 full professor at university of Graz

Current research/ job focus:
solar physics, astrophysics, gravitational lensing

Area of expertise:
solar physics

Area of interests:
general astrophysics

Organizer of summer school, national representative in PRE-EST

What do you like to do when not doing science? Programming, management

What attributes to do you believe are important to doing your job?
Open-minded, Curious, Self-motivated

What motivated you to choose your field of study/ your professional field?
I was an amateur astronomer