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Professor in Astrophysics
Head of Kanzelhöhe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research
Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 5, Graz, A-8010, Austria

Birth Place, Country: Eibiswald, Austria

Academic Details:
• Diploma in Astronomy, 1998, University of Graz, Austria
• PhD in Astrophysics, 2002, University of Graz
• Habilitation in Astrophysics (“venia docendi”), 2009

Career overview:
• 1998 – 2002: PhD Researcher, University of Graz
• 2002/2003: Research fellow, NASA GSFC, USA
• 2002–2005: Post-doc researcher, University of Graz
• Since 2005: Faculty member, University of Graz
• Since 2011: Associate Professor
• Since 2013: Head of Kanzelhöhe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research

Current research/ job focus: Observational diagnostics of solar flares, coronal mass ejections and their space weather impact

Area of expertise: Physics of solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Ground-based and space-based solar observations. Coronal holes and fast solar wind streams.

Area of interests: as listed above

Role in SOLARNET/PRE-EST: Lead of the Austrian SOLARNET contributions, task manager in WP8 on automatic flare detection and data homogenization.

What do you like to do when not doing science?
Playing Volleyball, hiking, reading

A dose of motivation: Follow your interest and enjoy what you are doing. I also want to repeat what Prof. Eric Priest accented in his wonderful 2017 EGU Hannes Alfvén Medal award lecture: Don’t forget in your research about the beauty of the subject under study, our Sun.

What motivated you to choose your field of study/ your professional field?
In my childhood and youth, I was very intrigued by the stars and our universe. This led me to study astrophysics. During my studies, I got to know the phenomena and the physics of the Sun. I became fascinated by the details we can see, and how we can find ways to extract useful information and physics from what we observe.

Personal webpage: https://physik.uni-graz.at/en/astrophysics/veronig/

Research profile (e.g. ORCID ID, Web of Science, ResearchGate):