HES-SO is the largest university of applied sciences (UAS) in Switzerland and the second largest higher education institution of the country, with more than 21’000 students and 25 schools located in 7 cantons. HES-SO is organised in six faculties: Design & Visual Arts, Business Management & Services, Engineering & Architecture, Music & Performing Arts, Health and Social Work. Education and research are oriented towards practical applications in the same areas. HES-SO offers a large variety of education programmes: 46 Bachelor degrees, 22 Master degrees and 255 continuing education courses. It employs 10’000 collaborators, with approx. 700 FTE dedicated to R&D activities. Strongly anchored in the regional economy, HES-SO collaborates closely with SMEs, and its R&D also extends to certain aspects of industrial-scale production. HES-SO undertakes research projects with a wide range of partners in Switzerland and abroad. HES-SO has been involved in European Framework Programmes since 1998. In FP7 we participated in 32 collaborative projects, including 3 as coordinator. In H2020 we are beneficiaries in 18 projects, covering the three Pillars of the programme.
In SOLARNET, HES-SO will be represented by the Institute of Industrial Automatization of HEIG-VD (IAI). Amongst other projects, IAI focuses on the development of optical instrumentation and telescopes for astronomy. HES-SO will take care of the sub-topic “PSF estimation” of WP 7.3. It is dedicated to the estimation of the real time optical system response of the EST adaptive optics system (point spread function reconstruction, PSF-R), critically required to reduce the raw instrument data into useful scientific information. Our team is a known world leader in the domain of PSF-R and our plan is to apply what we have developed for night time adaptive optics systems (on the W. M. Keck telescopes), to solar AO systems, on EST.
visit the webside of Haute Ecole Specialisee de Suisse Occidentale / Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton du Vaud (HES-SO)
Prof. Dr. Laurent Jolissaint
Institut iAi
Route de Cheseaux, 1
CP 521
CH – 1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
Email: laurent.jolissaint@heig-vd.ch