The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) is one of five research institutes under the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS). NAOJ is the national center of astronomical research in Japan, it promotes the open use of its facilities among researchers throughout Japan. NAOJ encourages collaborative research, observations and technological innovation, including inter-university research cooperation. In addition, as one of the main international research bases in the world, NAOJ actively enhances flexible international research projects with personnel contributions and the most advanced observing facilities. The Solar Science Observatory, which is one of the projects of NAOJ, is responsible for the proposed SOLARNET tasks. Its missions meet the tasks as given in the following:
• To promote the most advanced solar science researches through the use of space missions and large ground-based facilities in the world.
• To develop the most advanced solar instrumentations for both ground-based and space observations.
• To promote long-term continuous solar observation by synoptic instruments and to support research using these data.
NAOJ has a few short-term positions for visiting researchers and an internship program for graduate students from overseas universities and institutes. Those who are interested in visiting and studying at NAOJ, please contact Dr. Suematsu, director of Solar Science Observatory.
visit the website of National Institutes of Natural Sciences / National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NINS/NAOJ)
Dr. Yoshinori Suematsu
Director of Solar Science Observatory
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
2-21-1, Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
Email: Yoshinori.suematsu@nao.ac.jp