Access Calls

Calls for Piz Daint Supercomputer

Calls for Ground-based Telescopes

Call for Proposals 2021B – GREGOR

January 18, 2023|0 Comments

Trans-National Access Programme Call for Proposals 2021B - GREGOR SOLARNET is pleased to announce its seventh call for proposals of its Access Programme for the solar telescope GREGOR Period: 2021B Proposal Submission Deadline: 24 [...]

Call for Balloon Mission

The SUNRISE III Balloon Mission – Call for Proposals

January 18, 2023|0 Comments

SOLARNET is pleased to announce its call for proposals of its Access Programme for the  balloon-borne solar telescope mission Sunrise III. Proposal Submission Deadline: 17 November 2021, 23:59 UT Send proposals to: [...]

Access to the following solar telescopes and database repositories will be available for external users:

  1. The first-class EU infrastructures for high-resolution ground-based solar physics: GREGOR, VTT, THEMIS, SST
  2. The most demanded European Science Data Centre, providing data gathered by the solar satellite HINODE (SDC Europe), Solar Dynamics Observatory (BE-WISSDOM), Stockholm SST Archive, IBIS Data Archive (IBIS-A), GRIS Data Archive and German Science Centre for the Solar Dynamics Observatory (GSC-SDO)
  4. Piz Daint Supercomputer

New users, young researchers and eligible researchers from countries with no similar facilities are especially encouraged to apply for access. Please check TAS Eligibility Criteria. [Insert]

Work Package 9 (WP9): Transnational Access Programme

The aim of this WP is to offer to external users access to the most-advanced, high-resolution ground-based solar telescopes installed at the Canary Islands Observatories (GREGOR, VTT, THEMIS, and SST) and other associated first-class infrastructures in solar physics.

How to apply for access
SOLARNET will publish a half-yearly call for proposals. The decision of time allocation will be made by the European Association for Solar Telescopes Time Allocation Committee (EAST TAC) based on the scientific ranking by external referees with some preference (tie-breaking) given to new users. The selected PI’s is recommended to send at least two observers for each campaign, the length of which will typically be around 10 days. The observers’ costs for travel and subsistence for a maximum of two members per research team will be supported under this WP and administrated by the Coordinator (KIS). An exception is the limited amount of service-mode observing time being offered by SST (up to 5 days per year). Here the PI’s and Co-I’s stay at their home institute while SST staff does the observing.

SUNRISE 3 is one single balloon mission with a flight duration of a few days. There will be a separate call for proposals for the mission and the EAST TAC will award time. The Access unit is hours.

The Piz Daint supercomputer uses node hours as the unit of access. The computer time will be distributed in blocks of 125000 node-hours each.

Application Form
Astronomers are invited to apply for access at SOLARNET ACCESS. Applications Form can be downloaded here.

Eligibility Criteria: Applicants are requested to check the eligibility criteria for each call.

Travel Grant: Once awarded with observation time, applicants are welcome to apply for travel grants.

Feedback form
Users are requested to submit the online feedback form after their observing campaigns.
TAS User Feedback Form